Friday, January 28, 2011

Italy Missions/Scata Update - February 2011

Going On Three

In six months we will have finished our initial three year commitment to serve in Italy at Calvary Chapel of Treviso. As with many milestones in life, we look back in amazement at how quickly the time has passed. James was right when he wrote that life is like a vapor, here for a moment and then it disappears.

We’ve been asked by several friends what the future holds for us; if the Lord has given us a vision for future direction. This is a question that we’ve asked ourselves many times as well. The answer remains consistent...”We don’t know” exactly. The bible tells us to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and he will make your paths straight (Prov. 3:5-6). Lori and I purpose to do just that. Family and friends at home are often on our hearts. Technology has helped us to keep in touch, but the emotional challenge of living away from home can be difficult. We are sometimes torn between remaining in the mission field and returning home; all the while desiring to be faithful to the Lord and to the calling he has placed on our lives. We continually ask the Lord what He would have us to do. “Pray and wait” seems to be the answer we are both hearing from the Lord. And so we continue to pray and wait until we get confirmation on our next steps. To that end, please join us as we pray - that we would truly wait on the Lord and not make decisions based on our own reasoning or lack of patience.

Spring and Summer Plans

Several activities are on the horizon for CC Treviso and for us personally this Spring and Summer. CC Treviso will be participating in an Italy wide conference at the beginning of June; an opportunity for all the CC’s in Italy to gather for a unified message and fellowship. This is an annual event and we are looking forward to great teachings and to seeing many of our fellow missionaries and Italian friends from Rome, Montebelluna, Feltre and Padova.

We are also praying for our home church, Koinonia Fellowship, where a team is meeting, praying and planning a mission trip in May. Everyone at CC Treviso is looking forward to their fellowship, encouragement and their service in a variety of outreach and in-reach activities.

Shortly after these events, Lori and I will be packing our bags for a trip home to visit family, friends and our supporting churches. We will also be working on our home, either moving things out because we sold it or getting it prepared for yet another year of rental. We look forward to seeing everyone and the Lord’s hand on all these events.

Witnessing Opportunities

Our prayers for the Lord to present opportunities to share the gospel have been answered recently on numerous occasions. You know when the Lord is involved when "the door" to share His word opens with little to no effort. It has been extremely encouraging for us to know that we are able to share the truth of the bible to those who don't know it and more importantly to those who show a sincere interest in knowing. Romans 10:17 states “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God”. We continue to pray for opportunities to open with friends, strangers and those to whom we teach English. Please pray for each seed that has been planted, that it take root, grows and produces eternal fruit.

New Outreach - Coming Soon!

Within CC Treviso there are several of us who supplement their financial support by teaching English as a second language. We have prayerfully decided to give back to the community by offering free English lessons - one lesson per week for six weeks. Many of our current students don't have the opportunity to apply the grammar or helpful phrases once they leave the classroom. This”English Club” will provide them that opportunity. But we also hope to reach the members of the community near our church. It is our hope that through this non-threatening environment of learning English, our neighbors can meet us and get to know us personally. Then perhaps, they will ask a few probing questions about our church and what we believe. The last time an English Outreach was conducted, it led to a young man being saved and we continue to enjoy Daniel's friendship and service to the Lord at CC Treviso.

Men's Fellowship

2011 has produced a new vision for the men at CC Treviso. We are encouraging our guys to meet every month for a time in God's word, fellowship and of course, breakfast...this month was breakfast American style with Pancakes and even a quiche (contrary to popular belief, real men do each quiche). We continued our series on the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Our dear brother Nino led us through the biblical meaning of agape love which is challenging when reflecting on God's expectations for this sacrificial and"others centered" love. Additionally we were encouraged by Pastor Mark to be more involved with one another, holding one another accountable as we face the challenges of the world. We came away refreshed, edified, encouraged and challenged. We're looking forward to our next meeting in February!

Humbled and Stretched.

This section of our update letter seems to appeal to many of you. I heard time and again how the three 7 year old "angels" I had as English students and their taunting protests and uncontrolled crying episodes made you laugh...and how similar humbling situations I found myself in seemed to draw smiles upon your faces. I am glad to have helped brighten your day. With that said, I'll share yet another recent and uncomfortable situation to warm your hearts.

Since moving into our new flat, we've looked forward to the day when we would meet our neighbors. I mentioned above we pray for the opportunity to develop relationships with our neighbors. Apparently I had this preconceived idea that the Lord would allow us to encounter our neighbors with the opportunity to help in some way, perhaps with the burden of grocery bags or some other needful situation. But of course we all know that the Lord's ways are not ways...when will I learn? No, it was not through a helping hand at all that the opportunity to meet our neighbor came about. It was through "il vostro gatto"- their cat. We had noticed the cat on our terrace from time to time and he appeared friendly enough. It was no big deal and in fact we enjoyed the activity. However, we came to realize that "il gatto" was doing more than just "visiting" and in fact he had a purpose. Seems "il gatto" had found himself a new "il bagno" on our terrace...that is...a new bathroom. Yep, he particularly liked the recycling containers! And that's not all. We unfortunately found other treasures of "il gatto" upon the terrace.

"Thank you Lord....for this opportunity to meet our neighbors"....was NOT the first thing that ran through my mind. But I did pray that the Lord would give me words to speak to these seemingly very nice neighbors about their misbehaving cat. Having thought through the best Italian phrases to express the situation, I rang their door bell....and after what seemed a very long time, Antonio opened the door. I quickly realized that I had woken Antonio from a nap....this was not a good start. Nonetheless, I proceeded to tell him that we had the opportunity to meet "il suo gatto" and that we thought it was nice that he came to visit...and then I delivered the bad news. In the end, all went well, but I don't think Antonio and Gabriella will be inviting us for dinner any time soon. On to the next neighbor...

Thanks again for joining us in prayer and for all the practical ways you have helped us to remain serving in Italy. We are grateful.

As missionaries we survive largely by the prayers and financial support of those who stand by our ministry. If the work in Treviso is something you wish to support financially, you may do so by sending a check to or contacting:

Koinonia Fellowship

500 Main Street

East Rochester, NY 14445.

**Please attached a separate note that says: ‘For Bob and Lori Scata, Treviso Italy’

Current Prayer Requests:

1) The Lord's will to be done in our lives.

2) All the ministries and opportunities listed above to be done according to God's plan.

3) For the team from Koinonia who are praying about a mission trip in May.

4) For our visit to the States this summer and all the necessary provisions while we are home

5) For the ongoing steps needed for Italian citizenship.

6) For Pastor Mark and his family, their protection spiritually, their health and God's provision as they serve in Italy.

Dio vi benedica,

Bob and Lori

Missionaries, Treviso Italy