Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Italy Missions September 2012

Ciao a tutti!  It's been too long since our last update and for that we apologize.  We hope our absence does not in anyway indicate a lack of appreciation for your ongoing encouragement and support for this ministry as nothing could be further from the truth.

Although a lot of time has past since our last update, we want to let you know about some of the changes that occurred back home this summer and where we are in our service in Italy.

Summer 2012
Three coats of paint required!
In May, we returned to New York to get our personal affairs in order; specifically with our home.  Last February, our tenant broke contract early leading us to the decision to rent our home on a weekly basis through the summer. 

Prior to moving to Italy in 2008, we sold most of our possessions, so we not only had to repair, paint and get the house ready to rent, but we also had to furnish it again.  By God's grace, it all came together and we were ready for our 1st guest.  The Lord blessed us by filling each available week.  It was a pleasure to meet the families and in some cases we had a chance to share our missions experience in Treviso: in one case we even got to share the gospel.  The success of this past summer, the great guests and the opportunity to repair the house confirmed to us that the Lord guided us in this decision!

We also had a chance to lead a brief four week bible study to a group of friends from Livonia.  It was a wonderful time studying Gods word, worshipping and reflecting on many foundational truths that we as Christians stand upon in all seasons of life.  We also made many new friends whom blessed us greatly.

And in God's great timing, He provided a long term tenant (Sept-May) just before our return to Italy.  We are grateful for His amazing provision in all things!

Annual CC Treviso Conference in Austria.
Worship at the CC Treviso 2012 Conference in Austria
Two days after landing in Italy, we packed our bags (again) and headed north to Millstatt, Austria, the site of our annual church retreat.  This years speaker was Pastor Brian Cambra who taught four powerful sessions on "The Sufficiency of God" as depicted in the lives of Hannah, David, Jeremiah and the man with the withered hand.  Pastor Brian's wife, Maria, taught the children lessons on the fruit of the Spirit.  The kids blessed the adults with a medley of worship songs at the end of the weekend.  It was a great time to be challenged in Gods word, to catch up with the saints, serve the Lord in worship, and overcome the jet-lag.

Change in Seasons (Jeremiah 42:12)
It's time for us to share that we believe God is calling us back to America, thus ending our time and service in Italy.  We are not sure of the details, but we are certain that this season of serving abroad is coming to an end.  It was a decision that was not easy to arrive at as many factors came into play.  After many months of prayer we received confirmation from the Lord.  Thank you in advance for your prayers as we deal with the task of closing out life in Italy and the task of getting our life re-established in America.  Please continue to pray for pastor Mark and Renata as they continue to teach the word of God and reach out to the Italians with the gospel of salvation (Eph 2:8-9, John 3:3-7).

Upcoming events
English Club Class of Spring 2011 
Our service here is not over yet, so please don't stop praying!  We have a few things in addition to our regular responsibilities that we'll be working on this fall and winter at CC Treviso.  We're working toward a 4th season of the English Club, the development of a new website and the midweek bible study will be starting up again soon.

Thanks again for your ongoing prayers and support of this ministry.  We are looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us this new year and your part in praying along with us for His leading is greatly appreciated.

If you would like to help support this ministry financially, a gift can be sent to the following address.  Thanks in advance for your encouragement and support.

Koinonia Fellowship
500 Main Street
East Rochester NY 14445
**Please attached a separate note that says: 'For Bob and Lori Scata, Treviso Italy'

God Bless!
Bob and Lori Scata
Italy Missions

Prayer Requests:

  • Praising the Lord for getting us back to Italy safe and sound and for the blessed summer.
  • For the Lords guidance as we seek a date to return back to the US and all that needs to happen before then.
  • Thankful for the many hands that came to assist us this summer with readying the home for rent, those who helped with the weekly turn over process and for those who helped meet our practical needs throughout the summer.
  • For laborers to be raised up in CC Treviso, specifically for Sunday School teachers and message translation.
  • Guidance for the new website, English Club lessons, midweek study preparations.
  • Other laborers to be raised up to assist pastor Mark and the team in Treviso.